Nail Surgery

Nail Surgery for Ingrown Toenails in Beenleigh

In-Clinic Surgery for Ingrown Toenails

At Beenleigh Podiatry Centre, we commonly perform surgical procedures to treat nail problems such as ingrown toenails. Surgery may be required when an ingrown toenail gets infected, is continually painful, the sufferer cannot wear regular footwear, or the condition inhibits work, sporting or other activities. Our nail surgery involves carefully removing the affected portion of the nail and surrounding tissue, called partial nail avulsion. This procedure can provide long-term relief from pain and discomfort and help to prevent the condition from recurring.

Nail Surgery Performed by Podiatrists

Partial nail avulsion is a standard nail procedure that is generally performed in our clinic. The procedure is usually performed under local anaesthetic via injection into the toe to numb the area. Once numb, a tight elastic ring called a tourniquet is applied to the toe to control bleeding, and the area is prepped to minimise the risk of infection. 

The portion of the nail to be removed is then gently lifted and resected. Both sides and even the entire nail can be removed this way. The toe itself will typically not need to be cut or require stitches. A chemical is applied after the surgery to help prevent nail regrowth. Once the procedure is completed, the tourniquet is removed, and a sterile surgical dressing is applied. You should be able to walk immediately afterwards, but assistance getting home is greatly recommended.

If you think you have an ingrown toenail, act quickly; call 07 3807 8599 today!

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